Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Genderless Creation Story

Panentheism is where God is both internal and eternal to creation, both one entity and multiple, an unpersonified field of energy that manifests in all forms. In order to understand God, personification must occur, yet no sex must be attributed, thus the use of the plural pronoun 'They' in this story.


God, in wonderful diversity, walks the galaxies, fulfilled with the enjoyment found in the play of light on the darkness of space. The stars were bright stepping-stones for Their feet as They meander around aimlessly. Thankful and whole, God still feels an emptiness of sorts.


God sits on a planet and feels the emptiness in Their heart. They meditate on the stars in front of Them and see how they pulse outwards and inwards with God's mighty breath. Relationship, They think. We have nothing to relate Ourself to. The brightness of the stars has the darkness of space to exist with. We are One, but have no experience of Ourself. A relationship is needed.


With this intention, God blows a hole in the fabric of space in front of Them. Blackness abounds and space is all there is. God breathes again, sending Their Light intention forward into space. The solar system and the Milky Way, the stars and constellations, swirl into the vibrating pattern of Their breath.


God looks through and sees that this is good, and They breathe in. Yet, still the emptiness continues. 'Who are we to make another grand universe?', They asked Themself. We have done this before and now it is not enough.


God looks on and Their desire becomes clear. They stand up and walk into Their created space. Tingles of excitement vibrate outwards, pointing the way to the third planet from the sun. With the warmth of the sun on Their back, God sits on Mars and looks at the mass in front of Them. Breathing outwards, They create the atmosphere, with God's unity blanketing the earth.


God breathes inwards as They look on and see that it is good, but still the emptiness within pulls for expression.


Once again, God expells a breath that separates the waters of the earth from the waters of the sky. God's excitement crackles with electricity as the northern lights light up, ebbing and flowing waves of colour with every breath They take.


Their intention sure, God wills the waters of the earth to part. Land forms to compliment the waters. They breathe in and feel this is good, but again, is not enough. Their desire to create is paramount and Their intention manifests a bursting forth of vegetation, on land and in the sea, every living plant from seaweed to towering tree.


God's drive of passion still aches as They see that, this too, is good.


God stands up and steps onto the surface of the earth. Walking on the land, They see the potential this paradise holds. They wander the land, aching for Their creation to satisfy the longing within.


God breathes out as They walk, and every animal becomes known on the land, as well as the fish that swims in the sea, and the birds that fly in the sky. Their heart leaps for joy, yet still They feel incomplete, even with all that God has created.


God walks on and comes to a sand-duned cove beside the sea. Sitting down, God releases some sand through Their fingers, thinking of how all the stars in heaven did not fulfill the desire to have a relationship with Their creation. Again, They grab another handful of sand, allowing the granules to trickle down as God sits and ponders on all the vegetation, the animals, the birds and the fish, and still longs for a form to relate to.


As the sand trickles down, Their intention forms the sand into the various human beings of the world. Breathing out, God animates Their likeness with Their spirit.


"Welcome to God."

"Who am I?" One human stands on shaky legs and looks around.

They breathe in as They speak: "You are the creation in which We are fully pleased. We bless you to multiply and enjoy this paradise that We have created for Ourself. What is ours is now yours, so that We may enjoy. We share this world, to explore our relationship with it, and to explore your relationship with Ourself.


God breathes out and then in; They feel complete while we have been continuing the breathe ever since.

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